Man with prosthetic legs sat a on couch with his daughter and small brown dog. And a yellow speech bubble with Your Home Your Safety written in it.

Residents' FAQ

Everyone should be safe and feel safe in their own home.

1. What is the Building Safety Regulator responsible for?

The Building Safety Act 2022 gave us legal powers in England to help make sure high-rise buildings like the one you live in are safe. We will make sure the people responsible for keeping your building safe are managing structural and fire safety risks.

2. What is a high-rise building?

These buildings are 18 metres or seven or more floors tall and must be registered with us. Check if your building is registered here:

3. Who is responsible for my building’s safety?

The people or organisation responsible for your high-rise building’s safety are known as the ‘principal accountable person’ (PAP) or ‘accountable persons’ (APs). The Building Safety Regulator regulates the risk of fire spread and structural failure in high-rise buildings. Your PAP or AP should have a clear process in place for you to raise concerns about your building.

4. How do I raise a building safety concern?

You can contact your PAP or APs about:

  • building safety concerns
  • a response to a concern you have already raised
  • your PAP/APs resident engagement
  • building safety management

When to complain directly to BSR:

  • your PAP/AP has no policy or process to raise concerns
  • you feel you cannot raise a complaint directly with your PAP/AP
  • you can’t find your building on the high-rise building register

Read our simple guide – ‘How to raise a building safety concern’.

5. How do I know if my building is registered?

Check if your building is registered here:

If you cannot find it on the register contact us

6. How do I engage with my PAP/AP about building safety?

A significant part of your PAP/APs role is engaging with you about your building’s safety. They should be proactive in creating and sharing a strategy that encourages residents to take part in safety decisions, offering ways for you to express your concerns or ideas. Your building’s accountable person(s) must do the following:

  • provide you with safety information about your building
  • engage with you and listen to your concerns
  • encourage active involvement and feedback from people who live in the building
  • provide a clear process for raising concerns or complaints

7. How can I report other safety concerns?

If you have other safety concerns that are not about fire or structural safety then please visit our ‘Getting help and support’ page.


Telephone: 0300 790 6787
(Open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30am to 5pm; and Wednesday, 10am to 5pm.
Closed: Saturday, Sunday and UK bank holidays)

Find out about call charges.

If you would prefer to speak on the phone in a language other than English, a translation service is available. 

Woman in yellow top and glasses checking her phone. And a yellow speech bubble with Your Home Your Safety written in it.

Your home, your safety

Find out more in the new residents’ newsletter.