Video transcript: Introduction to the Industry Competence Committee

I’m sincerely honoured to assume the role as chair of the Industry Competence Committee commonly known as ICC. We presently find ourselves at a critical juncture for the industry, where significant enhancement of competence is crucial for the advancement of design, construction and building management.

The Hackitt review identified widespread competence failings across industry, and exposed its fragmentation. Over the last two years the interim committee, or IICC, has helped lay considerable groundwork for the new statutory ICC in addressing these concerns.

I would therefore like to thank all members of that committee for giving their time to help improve the performance of our future construction industry. Their contributions in engaging with industry, developing a culture initiative, collecting evidence on framework development and crafting recommended strategic objectives for ICC have laid a solid foundation for our future endeavors.

As the ICC, we intend to build upon this groundwork to foster a more collaborative and cohesive approach to competence. We will work closely with a wide array of industry stakeholders to ensure a future where appropriate competence is the norm at all levels throughout the construction sector.

Our approach will be informed by data and specific expertise, enabling us to provide well-rounded and accurate advice. It’s our expectation that industry will join us in leading the much needed changes in the construction sector and we pledge our support to those committed to improving our future.

The work of the ICC will indeed mark the beginning of a transformative era at all levels of the industry. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the safety and security of people across the nation, in the buildings they inhabit and work in. It’s a challenging journey ahead, but together we can shape a better future.